*All prices can vary depending on your pet's coat and the condition it is in.
Prices may also be adjusted depending on the pet's temperament.
I am more then happy to sing sweet lullabies to your pet until they are happy if that is what it takes!
Wash and Fluff
Small Dog:
Medium dog: $80-$100
Large dog:
A wash and fluff is a quick service that gets your pet clean and brushed out. This service is great for the day before an event you and your furry companion are attending. Or if a relative is coming in to town!
Moisturizing wash and Conditioner.
Anal gland expression
Full Comb through and Blow dry
To Book this service https://groomer.io/schedule/2kgnx
Tidy Up
Small dog 0-10lbs:
Medium dog 10-30lb: $100
Large dog 30-60lbs: $115-$125
We no longer accept pets over 60 lbs
Is your pets hair already at a great length? you like them little fluffy? then the tidy up is good because this service just takes care of the bits that are a bother to him or her!
Moisturizing shampoo and Conditioning.
Anal Gland Expression
Full Brush out and combing
Anal Gland Expression.
Nail trimming and Dremeling.
Shaving pads privates and eye corners. Trimming of the paws and eyes.
Ear cleaning. (Ear hair plucking upon request)
To Book this service https://groomer.io/schedule/2kgnx
The Whole Shebang
Small dog:
Medium dog: $115-130
Large dog:
You know when you just need a change and your hair is the easiest Way to have a transformation? BAM! Pets definitely can have amazing transformations when they get their haircut!
Moisturizing shampoo and conditioning.
Complete comb and and brushing if possible.
Anal Gland Expression
Nail Trimming and Dremeling.
Ear Cleaning. (Plucking upon request)
Any Haircut you desire.
To Book this service https://groomer.io/schedule/2kgnx
Small Pets
Let’s Accesorize!
Facial Scrub:$10
Paw Soak:$10
Medicated Soak:
Flea Soak: $15
Deskunk: $20
Nail Polish: $10
Dye Work:$10-$200
(all prices in addition to grooming service)
Sometimes you just don't want to feel basic. These pups just want there inner Diva or Prince to come out! We have a list of ways we can make that happen! Various hair dye options! For those of you who think miss Molly or Mr Tank just are feeling like some BLING we have that too! along with Feathers, Facials, Massages, Paw treatments, Teeth Brushing, Skin treatments, Flea treatments and the DREADED De SKUNK YUCK (I say yuck but I'm happy to get rid of that terrible smell)!